Samara Fernández – Flamenco Dancer & Simply Beautiful Person
What has Samara got to do with Flamenco Dressmaking?
Samara has been a client of mine for a long time so I’ve made most of the outfits you see her wear. But that’s not why I’ve created a space for her here.
I don’t usually talk about or recommend clients but Samara is such a kind, deep and beautiful soul that I just love you to get to know her and know how to get in touch with her if you’d like to take classes with her or invite her to perform.
Flamenco Dancer
Every time I see her dance I get goose bumps. Every time a conversation about flamenco ends with the conclusion that the only thing that counts is what a dancer transmits to the audience I think of Samara.
Samara writes lyrics that move the soul even when you don’t understand all the words.
Destellos en mi rostro que radiante resurge…”La luna y el sol me daban en la cara…” dando paso a los brillos de una sonrisa que al aire besa. “Dame la libertad del agua de los mares,
dame la libertad de la tormenta,
dame la libertad de la Tierra misma,
dame la libertad del aire.
Dame la libertad de los pájaros de la marisma
vagaores de las sendas nunca vistas”
Porque libre es mi risa revestida de luz y nadie tiene la potestad de arrebatarme su brillo.
Profound knowledge and a passion to pass it on make Samara a wonderful teacher. I’ve not met many people who live and breathe flamenco the way Samara does, and less who are happy to share what they know. If you want to learn about flamenco that comes from the depths of the soul and touches every fiber of your being there is no better place you could go.
Find out more about Samara
Download Samara’s Dossier (pdf, in Spanish) => dossier-samara-fernandez to learn more about Samara and get in touch with her directly.
Available for Performance or Teaching
To get in touch with Samara you can contact me or download her dossier and contact her directly (if you speak some Spanish)